Hell Ya!!!
This song frecken Rocks!
Hell Ya!!!
This song frecken Rocks!
Damn!!! You are good as hell!!!
Good as hell?! That must mean I'm terrible :'( Thanks for the 10!
Kick ASS song
This song maches your name Big time. I like the main effect you used and the way it sounds. I'm not as nearly as good as you, But mabey check my stuff out.
Thanx Well you are the first person to ever review My song. I grant with a cookie.
this does remind me of those times when i go down to the park and there are little kids running around with loud music like this. And parents getting all drunk and yelling at there kids. Later getting arested. Hahah, this sounds cool.
Um... oooo k... well, i didnt really think of it that way... but what eva..
Joined on 7/14/05